Challenge Accepted

Accomplishing challenges make most people happier.

A challenge can be simply to try a habit or an action for sometime. It can be one week, one month or one day.  Choose a challenge that you love doing, it will make feel awesome.

I like photography and I love using Instagram. So, I looked for funny challenges on Instagram. I founded the challenge #21blabladeprintemps2015 and I feel it good so I accepted the deal and it was a great idea. Here is the planning of the challenge which is writing in French. The presentation is friendly and beautiful.


I have fun when taking the photos related to the challenge, and discovering other photos posted by other candidates. Sometimes, I was surprised by some wonderful photos because it need some imagination and creativity.

Here are my photos. You can found all of them on my Instagram account @ihappiesst.



Otherwise, it was also a good opportunity to make friends or followers/followings on Instagram. I was happy by discovering beautiful accounts. I’m grateful to @blabla_leila who created this challenge for all the fun and happiness.

It’s easy to be happy. Try to take a challenge as simple as it is and never stop doing your best to feel it.

Be happy : Challenge Accepted!

Have a nice day 🙂